It is branch of pharmaceutical sciences that deals with the manufacturing development and assessments of drug molecule include quality control and quality assurance. This broad research area relates to different functions in pharmaceutical industry and having contact areas with engineering and economics.
Pharmaceutics Conferences inviting workshop proposals which covers Drug manufacturing and development, Quality control, Quality assurance, Drug analysis and spectroscopy, Drug development.
Clinical Pharmacy Conferences welcoming short course proposals on Pharmaceutical engineering.
Market Statistics:
During the period 2014-2019 the Brazilian, Chinese and Indian markets grew by 11.2%, 6.9% and 11.1% respectively compared to an average market growth of 5.4% for the top 5 European Union markets and 6.1% for the US market. India’s domestic pharmaceutical market is estimated at US$ 42 billion in 2021 and likely to reach US$ 65 billion by 2024 and further expand to reach ~US$ 120-130 billion by 2030.
ALSO READ Pharmaceutical Science and Research Advancements Pharmaceutical Formulations and new innovations Clinical Trails and Clinical Research Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Pharmacology Pharmaceutical Analysis Smart Drug Delivery Systems Pharmacovigilance and Pharmaceutical products Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology Computer Applications in Pharmacy Drug Targeting and Design Patient Counseling Digital Pharma and Marketing Drug Regulations Social impact of Covid-19 Quality Assurance and Industrial Pharmacy Health Technology Assessment Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Pharmaceutical Engineering Corona Virus Drug Discovery Viral Epidemiology Challenges in Management of Covid-19 Artificial Intelligence Big Data and Analytics Additive Manufacturing and Flexible Production Precision Medicine Blockchain Extended Reality Digital Therapeutics Curative Therapies
Nanomedicine Conferences
Pharmacology Conferences
Clinical Pharmacy Conferences
Pharmacovigilance Conferences
Formulations Conferences
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Conferences
Pharma Conferences 2022
Pharma Conferences 2022 USA
Pharmaceutical Analysis Conferences
Pharmaceutical Industry Conferences
Pharmaceutical Research Conferences
Pharmaceutical Conferences 2022
Pharma Conferences 2022 Middle East
Pharma Conferences 2022 Asia
Clinical Trials Conferences